
To be honest, not really an interesting location. I don't seem to remember this location in the anime Onegai Twins, maybe it's from Onegai Teachers.
Since I saw a nice locations-map at the H-shop, I bothered checking out all locations marked on that map. They also had a few magazines with location-maps, but that was just too much for me to do.

Not sure what to say about this location. It seems to be the only place at Kizaki where you can get your hair cut. Located about 5 minutes of walking from the hostels area.

To make this location a bit more interesting, I added some pictures I took from a bridge near there. Don't think it's allowed to walk on that bridge, but there's nobody there to stop you anyway. Just be careful when you walk there. Cars drive quite fast over that bridge and thanks to the sharp turns and the tunnel they might not see you...